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上传作者: 匿名 资料类别: 其他类别
资料格式: 压缩文档 下载次数: 2797
更新时间: 2005-04-16 17:12:14
所需C币: 6C币/年 (备注:包年会员不需C币)

  General RulesBegin EarlyFollow RFP InstructionsHighly ThematicClear, Expository WritingExplicit MessagesActive Voice, First or Third Person, Present Tense, Positive/Confident (but not arrogant) ToneAvoid Adverbs and Overblown WritingUtilize Summary GraphicsObjectivesGet the Reader’s AttentionShow our Understanding of the ProblemInsights/PerspectivesSummarize Key Parts of Our Approach/Solution - Focus on HowConvey Confidence that KPMG is the Best Firm to do the Job - Why?Obtain Important Points/Themes from Major Section Writers

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