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项目管理(PDF 214)

上传作者: 匿名 资料类别: 项目管理
资料格式: 文字材料 下载次数: 3149
更新时间: 2006-07-25 11:04:14
所需C币: 6C币/年 (备注:包年会员不需C币)
Leadership plays an important role in the successful execution of a project. However, it is not something that

can be done in a “paint-by-number” fashion. Perry, like all experienced project managers, knows that

leadership must be constantly exercised throughout a project. It requires having a basic understanding of what

motivates people.

A vision statement partly satisfies the motivational needs of a project team. Perry realizes, however, that the

vision is just one aspect of leadership. He must build teams and focus all their efforts on achieving the vision.

The vision plays another role too. It provides the basis for developing a meaningful statement of work.

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