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UBS-The Complete RMB Handbook(4th edition)

上传作者: 胡圣浩 资料类别: 研究报告
资料格式: PDF文档 下载次数: 1145
更新时间: 2008-10-18 14:45:46
所需C币: 8C币/年 (备注:包年会员不需C币)
1、The old regime, and the new
II. How a peg works
III. What drives China’s balance of payments?
IV. Is the RMB undervalued?
V. What does a RMB move mean for China?
VI. What does a RMB move mean for China’s neighbors?
VII. What is the optimal exchange regime?
VIII. Why move – why now – and what is the path ahead?
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